Tuesday, December 29, 2009


This year we decided to do something a little different for Xmas (in addition to the traditional turkey), we went whole hog and did a Pig Roast for around 25 of our dear friends. It does however take a considerable amount of time, effort and planning to make this happen. Sourcing the sucking pig, having the areas and pit to roast and the whole preparation can be exhausting. This isn't the first one we have done; but normally we would spit roast the pig on a rotisserie (which by the way is much less stress). The last roast we prepared during the summer was rotisserie but didn't seem to cook as evenly as would be liked.

This time we tried splitting the pig and securing it to a rack, only problem was it takes good heat control and timing to turn the pig in a timely fashion so it doesn't burn over the coals. It worked excellent, the suckling was near 23lbs and went over the coals at 11:30hrs and we pulled it off (in perfection) at 19:00hrs.

Method of flavouring - Marinade.

This is where you use your imagination...This little piggy sat in a marinade bath for 24hrs (refrigerated) that consisted of light and dark soy sauce, pork seasoning, sea salt, cracked black pepper and cayenne pepper. That simple; but choose the flavours that work for you...Be inventive and diverse..Apple Cider, Dry Rub or Bourbon Whiskey.........


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